


The aim of this work package is to develop Micro- and Nanoplastics Reference Materials that mimic real Microplastics particles, with relevant polymer type, shapes, sizes and degradation status, as found in food and in the environment.

Development of Micro- and Nanoplastics Reference Materials under metrological criteria

The aim of this work package is to develop Micro- and Nanoplastics (SMPs/NPs) Reference Materials (RMs) that mimic real MP particles, with relevant polymer type, shapes, sizes and degradation status, as found in food and in the environment. A cut off value of 10 µm has been chosen to better differentiate between larger and smaller plastic particles, which is used throughout all WPs.

This value was chosen in respect to the different top-down approaches for the preparation of larger (> 10 μm) and smaller plastic particles (< 10 μm). It also matches the size resolution limit of traditional and established spectroscopy techniques, such as µFTIR, to provide a further classification of the most suitable techniques for particle characterisation in the micron and sub-micron/nano range.

Furthermore, this differentiation in size classes appears to be important at the (eco)toxicological level.

The homogeneity and stability control (at least 3-month) of all prepared MPs RMs will be tested according to ISO GUIDE 35:2017(E) and determined through a combination of particle size distribution and mass values or particle numbers. An overview of the RMs collection is provided in following table.

Polymer Type
Particle Size
Measured Properties within WP1
PP, PET, PET fibres, tyre abrasion
10 – 100 µm
Size distribution
Aged PE, aged PP, aged PS
< 10 µm
Size distribution
Aged PE


Korinna Altmann
Role: Partner
WGs: WG1, WG2, WG4
Korinna Altmann works as scientist in the BAM department of polymer analytics. Her doctoral thesis was already done at the Free university of Berlin in cooperation with BAM in the field of polymer surfaces. After its completion in 2015, a project on glass fibre surfaces followed, and then the first national microplastics project starts in 2016. Since then, she has been working on the establishment and further development of TED-GC/MS for the thermal analysis of microplastics in environmental samples, as well as on the development of realistic polymer reference material for microplastics analysis. Currently, BAM is partner in the EU projects Polyrisk and PlasticFate within the framework of H2020 and the Euromat research project PlasticTrace. She is also leading the WG 3 of CUSP (H2020), which is focusing on harmonization process by ILCs.

Main Goal

Development of representative SMPs/NPs reference materials (RM) that mimic real MP particles found in food and in the environment.

Key Outputs

  • Panel of characterized candidate RM which are more relevant in terms of polymer type, shapes, sizes and degradation status;
  • Homogeneity and stability control studies according to ISO GUIDE 35:2017(E).